The Leonardo Museums open to the public

Exactly 500 years after the passing of the greatest Genius of all time we celebrated his versatility and modernity through the inauguration of two museums in Vinci, where it will be possible live an immersive experience following his trail.

The museums, curated by one of Leonardo’s top experts, Professor Alessandro Vezzosi, will promote the knowledge of the figure of the Genius of Vinci through a special exhibition titled “Leonardo Vive”, in progress from 2 May to 31 December 2019. The “Museo Ideale Leonardo Da Vinci”, which reopens to the public after 9 years of closure, will present a many great works including the “Gioconda Nuda”, a painting that portrays the Mona Lisa in the same posture as the version in the Louvre, but naked from the waist up and with bare breasts. With its attribution uncertain until now, the latest studies indicate that it may have been carried out by the very same Genius, Da Vinci, or by artists associated with him.

At the “Museo Ideale Leonardo Da Vinci” there will also be a very important world preview: a lock of hair that seems to belong to the Genius of Vinci. The lock, called ‘Les Cheveux de Leonardo da Vinci’, was found in France, accompanied from a document that seems to attest to its authenticity, from which a scientific study will be launched aimed at reconstructing the DNA of Leonardo da Vinci which will then be compared with the alleged living descendants of the Genius.



The “Museo Leonardo and the Renaissance of Wine” will instead examine a new aspect of Leonardo: his authentic relationship with the world of agriculture, territory, food and wine, from historical tradition to the new Renaissance. The Genius owes this connection to his family and his childhood in Vinci, and he nurtured it through his technological studies, observations on the cultivation of vines, and in fairy tales and prophecies, consequently coming to design tools and mills, innovative for that time.



The Leonardo Museums will therefore be places where, in addition to scholars’ study and in-depth study of the Genius, it will be possible to encounter the world of Leonardo da Vinci more closely, satisfy curiosity and, why not, make a toast with our wines in his honor.
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