The Codex Atlanticus | Leonardo da Vinci

Fortunately for us, Leonardo used to write, draw and write down every idea and intuition in a notebook. It is thanks to all of these pages and writings that today we understand the breadth of his work, the versatility of his genius and the contemporaneity of his thought.

The largest and most important collection of Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings and notes is the Codex Atlanticus, which consists of 1119 pages and about 1750 drawings, projects, notes and studies ranging from 1478 to the year of his death, 1519. Leonardo da Vinci’s Codex Atlanticus is kept in Milan in the Ambrosiana Library.
On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci, celebrated in 2019, the Ambrosian Library in Milan organized the exhibition I segreti del Codice Atlantico. Leonardo all’Ambrosiana.

In addition to the extraordinary anatomical drawings and studies on the human body, in the Codex Atlanticus we find precious notes that reveal to us Leonardo’s keen interest in agronomy and his expertise in wine. In particular, it gives precise indications on wine consumption, resulting in a kind of precursor to responsibly drinking. In fact, he writes in the Codex Atlanticus (page 213): “Wine should be moderated, little and often. Not outside of a meal, nor on an empty stomach”. This means drinking high quality wine, always during a meal, and avoiding excesses.

Inspired by this intuition, Cantine Leonardo da Vinci created Leonardo Geniale, an innovative wine format – 187 ml – which represents the ideal quantity for “Leonardian” consumption and enjoyment. Leonardo Geniale is designed for those who want to enjoy the pleasantness of a good, fragrant and fragrant wine, in the right measure and with a practical package, ideal to accompany any meal anywhere.

The Codex Atlanticus is, above all, a journey into Leonardo’s formidable mind, an inexhaustible treasure of inspirations: preparatory drawings of his works, studies of mathematics, astronomy, mechanics, philosophical reflections and also – as for wine – practical indications related to living daily.

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